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How To Identify If You Have Oily Skin?

When it comes to skincare, determining your skin type plays a pivotal role. Sure, you can always reach out for products that are 'suitable for all skin types' but knowing your skin type always helps.

Speaking of skin types, do you know what's your skin's type? Is it normal, oil, dry or combination? If not, how to determine it?

Everyone has a unique skin type and natural oil (and sebum) secretion plays an important role in determining so. If your skin feels 'normal' after washing your face (not too dry or not too oily), that means you have normal skin. If your skin feels stretchy after washing your face, then that means your skin needs skincare products meant for dry and skin and if your appearance is often greasy and shiny, then that means you have oily skin.

Let's Talk About Oily Skin

When talking about having oily skin our mind straight always goes to clogged pores and acne because let's admit it, it does lead to a few blemishes. As long as you're following a proper skincare routine, keeping a check on your diet and covering your face when in public (or the dirt will stick to your face), you should be good.

Despite all these measures, most of us still end up getting a bump or two and it's totally normal!

how to know oily skin: Identification of Oily Skin

Skincare Measure To Take For Oily Skin

The funda is simple; your skin gets too oily and you gotta keep it clean & clear!

Apart from following a CTM routine, you can also add a few products such as a vitamin C serum (will brighten the skin, reduce the chances of acne, protect the skin from external factors), niacinamide (controls the production of excess sebum, minimises the appearance of pores) and saliclyic acid (acne's biggest dushman, gently exfoliates the skin and also helps eradicating blackheads & whiteheads) if you have a severe case of acne.

A Few Pointers To Keep In Mind If You Have Oily Skin

Determining oily skin is easy. If your skin shining bright like a diamond after a few hours of washing your face, then you know it. Another way to make sure is to touch the area around your nose as soon as you wake up. If it feels greasy, congratulations, you have oily skin!

Here are a few pointers you should keep in mind if you want to keep the oil secretion in check:

- Wash your face at least thrice in a day as bacteria and other nasties 'stick' to the oily skin easily.

- Never skip on applying a moisturiser as your skin will produce more sebum (that's right) to make up for the moisture loss, thus resulting in acne or skin congestion.

- Always follow a dedicated skincare routine as trust us, it will benefit your skin in more ways than one.

- Keep the phone's surface clean as it is the easiest way to transfer germs to your face that can lead to whiteheads and other painful bumps.

- Another thing to keep in mind is to regularly change your pillow covers! Our skin is constantly shedding dry skin cells, specially when we are sleeping at night. So, make sure you change your pillow covers once a week.

Reasons Why You Have Oily Skin

The main reason why you have oily skin is because you were born with it (so, you better own it!).

Although, your normal / dry skin can slowly transition to becoming oily due to to puberty, menopause and pregnancy.

As long you take care of your skin, use suitable skincare products, your skin should be good!

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